A video series introduced to Boost Mobile’s retail TV and digital channels for Small Business Saturday. Playing off the idea that consumers should support small businesses all year around. With the help of Shiefer Chopshop we documented different small businesses every October and ran the video content through the New Year. For our first installment we partnered with the Cycle Zombies and Black Label skateboards to create a unique collaboration skateboard deck with exclusive distribution through Jokers Skate Shop.
Boost Mobile partnered with artist Don Laing to create a series of one of a kind phones exclusively for the Born Free Motorcycle Show. Being a highly respected tattooer and motorcycle parts engraver, we had Don etch the backs of cellphones with biker/tattoo inspired artwork. Then we gave them away from the main stage at Born Free to the winners of the worst cellphone contest. We saw this as a great storytelling opportunity so we worked with the team at Schiefer Chopshop and documented the whole thing.
For Boost Mobile’s second annual Small Business Saturday video installment we worked with skateboard recycling company CHOPS Mfg. and retailer Long Beach Skate Co. to learn a thing or two about these small businesses. We then hired Schiefer Chopshop to document the process and take a behind the scenes look at how these two brands come together to provide services to their customers.
Boost Mobile’s Retail TV channel, Channel-B, was in on-going need of video content. As a contributor I created the Artist Series, based on the simple idea of collaborating with noteworthy artists who would use Boost handsets as their artistic canvas. We then partnered with Vizie, Tyke, Trav and Ewok of the famed AWR/MSK street art crews to tell the story. With the help of Schiefer Chopshop, we documented their artistic process and turned them into high-energy, 30 second bumpers. All in an effort to mix things up for the channel and help drive more engagement through culturally relevant content.
Professional BMX rider, Rick Thorne approached Boost Mobile with the idea of creating a webisodic that would feature himself and friends tracking down and sessioning backyard swimming pools. Since Rick was one of Boost’s longtime brand ambassadors, action sports icon and social influencer, the answer was yes. Produced by Rick and Justin Brunner, I was fortunate to have worn many hats for this series, Boost brand liaison, art director, designer and photographer. Rick featured a surprise guest that was usually a professional skateboarder, making Pool Seekers the only show of its time to integrate the two sports outside of a mainstream public event.
Professional BMX rider, Rick Thorne approached Boost Mobile with the idea of creating a webisodic that would feature himself and friends tracking down and sessioning backyard swimming pools. Since Rick was one of Boost’s longtime brand ambassadors, action sports icon and social influencer, the answer was yes. Produced by Rick and Justin Brunner, I was fortunate to have worn many hats for this series, Boost brand liaison, art director, designer and photographer. Rick featured a surprise guest that was usually a professional skateboarder, making Pool Seekers the only show of its time to integrate the two sports outside of a mainstream public event.